
- Professor for Strategic Management, MLU Halle-Wittenberg
- Junior-Professor for Strategic Management, MLU Halle-Wittenberg (2011-2017)
- External lecturer at Hochschule Anhalt (2013-2018)
- External lecturer at the Private University Schloss Seeburg, Austria (2010-2014)
- External lecturer at the University of Innsbruck (2011-2012)
- Assistant Professor at in the Institute of Strategic Management, Marketing and Tourism (2007-2011)
- PhD study of the International Economics, University of Innsbruck (2005-2009)
Dissertation: Influence of the corporate culture on the knowledge sharing process between project teams - Diploma in International Business Studies, University of Innsbruck (1999-2005)
Study focus: HRM, Marketing, Strategic Management
Thesis: „ Internal mediation as a conflict solution method and its dispersion in Tyrolian enterprises” - Exchange student at Aarhus Business School, Denmark (2002-2003)