Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg

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Scientific Theses

The Departement supervises scientific works (e.g., Bachelor theses, master theses as well as dissertations) depending on free capacities. Bachelor theses are supervised if assigned by the central Bachelor thesis allocation system.

Theoretical (using a meta review) and empirical (using qualitative content analysis) theses can be written. For both kinds of theses, a scientific question needs to be found (small research gap) and treated with scientific methods. For empirical theses, training for the suitable methods is needed. A popular analysis method for qualitative studies is GABEK. See moreover    . For theoretical theses, a systematic meta review is needed (as e.g. in Mueller, J., B. Renzl and M. G. Will (forthcoming), 'Ambidextrous leadership: a meta-review applying static and dynamic multi-level perspectives ', Review of Managerial Science).

Knowledge in scientific working and scientific literature search (incl. international journals). Courses such as Bachelor seminar or Master seminar provide insights.

The chair encourages working on empirical questions, e.g. interviews or evaluating business reports with the help of a qualitative content analysis.If you want to conduct a qualitative empirical study in your Master's thesis, the course Qualitative Methods for Economics is a prerequisite.

Guideline for writing theses
Leitfaden für die Erstellung von Arbeiten 2024.pdf (367.8 KB)  vom 17.04.2024

Guidelines for the preparation of papers 2024.pdf (358.7 KB)  vom 24.04.2024

Bachelor thesis

Each winter semester a seminar is offered. Students who have been officially assigned to this seminar can participate (attendance is compulsory - for dates see studip).

Students are responsible for the timely planning of a bachelor theses. Please, look at the schedule for planning your thesis.

1. Assignment of bachelor thesis to the chair by the examination office

2. Selection of one of the research areas (see file below)

3. Application handed in with annett.eder[at]

4. Assignement to one research assistant for further assistance

5. Submission of exposé via email to the research assistant (topic, research question, aim, methodology, schedule, relevant literature)

6. Registration of the Bachelor thesis with the examination office

7. Topic formulation (within the research area described in the exposé) by Prof. Müller-Seeger, receipt of topic from the examination office

8. Independent work on the topic

9. Submission of thesis to the examination office (electronic and print version need to match. very long appendixes can be handed in with the electronic version solely if it is saved as a separate file)

Ablauf Bachelorarbeit deutsch

Ablauf Bachelorarbeit deutsch

Ablauf Bachelorarbeit deutsch

Ablauf Bachelorarbeit englisch

Ablauf Bachelorarbeit englisch

Ablauf Bachelorarbeit englisch

Research areaContent
Strategic Management and Business GovernanceBusiness Governance
Strategic Management
Organizational Ambidexterity (esp. Ambidextrous leadership)
Micro Perspektive of Strategic Managements

Master theses

Prerequisites: Knowledge of content of the course "Issues in Management Theory":

  • What is a theory? What is a theoretical contribution? (see e.g. SANDBERG, J. & ALVESSON, M. 2011.
    Ways of constructing research questions: gap-spotting or problematization? Organization, 18, 23-44. MILES, J.A. (2012): Management and organization theory, Jossey Bass, San Francisco. CORLEY, K. G. & GIIOIA,
    D. A. (2011). Building theory about theory building: what constitutes a theoretical contribution. Academy of Management Review, 36, 12-32.
  • empirical research (qualitative or quantitative)
  • literature search
  • citation rules

You can suggest a research area, that you are interested in and that falls into the research focus of the departement.

topic formulation

BEWARE: The professor formulates the final topic and forwards it to the examination office. At the starting date, you will receive the topic officially by the examination office. At that date the time for writing the thesis starts.


Students are responsible for the timely planning of a bachelor theses. Contact the department as soon as possible. Before you can start your theses, you have to hand in an exposé:

  • 2-3-pages (topic and problem formulation, research question and research purpose, approach and methodology, schedule, relevant literature)

The department encourages empirical theses, e.g. interviews or the analysis of annual reports.

If you want to conduct a qualitative empirical study in your master thesis, you have to pass te course Qualitative Methods for Business Studies.

Aktuelle Themenausschreibung:

  • Durchführung von Qualitativer Forschung in "Corona-Zeiten" - Betrachtung des Phänomens aus der Rollentheorie
  • Durchführung von QualitativerForschung in "Corona-Zeiten" - Betrachtung des Phänomens aus der Social Capital Theory oder Social Identity Theory
  • Durchführung von Qualitativer Forschung in "Corona-Zeiten" - Betrachtung des Phänomens aus der Media Richness Theory

Bei Interesse wenden Sie sich an julia.mueller[at]


The PhD study program is relevant for the constitution of a dissertation ( The purpose of the dissertation is to answer a scientific question (research gap). It is recommended to treat this question with the help of a set of scientific publications in reviewed journals (cumulative dissertation). Dissertation to scientific research finding can be handed in via the  department.

The draft of the dissertation should contain the
following points:

  • Clear definition of the central research question: The central research question must be of high scientific relevance as well as of high actuality.
  • reasons, why the research question is important and worth to be treated in one or several publications (incl. theoretical derivation).
  • Critical discussion of actual German-speaking and international literature.
  • Information about how to the central research question
    is answered methodology, methods, literature etc.).

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